Create a class 'COMPLEX' to hold a complex number. Write a
friend function to add two complex numbers. Write a main function to add two
COMPLEX objects.
class complex
float real,imag; public: void get_complex();
void show_complex();
friend complex add_complex(complex
c1,complex c2);
void complex::get_complex()
cout<<"Enter real number :"; cin>> real;
cout<<"Enter Imaginary number :"; cin>>imag;
void complex::show_complex()
complex add_complex(complex
c1,complex c2)
complex c; c.real=c1.real+c2.real;
c.imag=c1.imag+c2.imag; return c;
int main()
complex c1,c2,c3; c1.get_complex(); c2.get_complex(); c3=add_complex(c1,c2);
cout<<"\nComplex Number 1 = "; c1.show_complex(); cout<<"\nComplex
Number 2 = "; c2.show_complex();
cout<<"\nSum of Complex Number 1 and 2 = "; c3.show_complex();
return 0;
Enter real number :12
Enter Imaginary
number :10
Enter real number :3
Enter Imaginary
number :5
Complex Number 1 = 12+i10
Complex Number 2 = 3+i5
Sum of Complex Number
1 and 2 = 15+i15
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