
Create a class called 'EMPLOYEE'

Create a class called 'EMPLOYEE' that has

-     EMPCODE and EMPNAME as data members

-     member function getdata( ) to input data

-     member function display( ) to output data

Write a main function to create EMP, an array of EMPLOYEE objects. Accept and display the details of at least 6 employees.


#include<iomanip.h> class Employee

private:  int empcode;
char empname[10]; public: void getdata();

void display();
void Employee::getdata()
cout<<"\nNAME :"; cin>>empname; cout<<"\nCODE :"; cin>>empcode;

void Employee::display()

int main()

Employee Emp[6]; clrscr();
cout<< "Enter employee details:\n "; for(int i=0;i<6;i++)

cout<<"\nemployee "<<i+1<<endl; Emp[i].getdata();

cout<<"\nEmployee details are as follows :"; cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(20)<<"NAME"<<setw(10)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<"CODE";







Enter employee details:

employee 1

NAME :ashok

CODE :111

employee 2

NAME :annapurna

CODE :112

employee 3

NAME :anupama

CODE :113

employee 4

NAME :anuradha

CODE :114

employee 5

NAME :ashraya

CODE :115

employee 6

NAME :akash

CODE :116

Employee details are as follows :









Create a 'DISTANCE' class

Create a 'DISTANCE' class with :

-     feet and inches as data members

-     member function to input distance

-     member function to output distance

-     member function to add two distance objects

Write a main function to create objects of DISTANCE class. Input two distances and output the sum.



class distance

int feet,inch;
void getdistance(); void putdistance();

void adddistance(distance d1,distance d2);

void distance::getdistance()


cout<<"\nEnter the feet : "; cin>>feet;
cout<<"\nEnter the inches :"; cin>>inch;

void distance::putdistance()
cout<<"\n\nfeet = "<<feet; cout<<"\tinch = "<< inch;

void distance::adddistance(distance d1,distance d2)

int main()


distance d1,d2,d3; clrscr();

cout<< "\nDistance 1 \n"; d1.getdistance();

cout<< "\nDistance 2 \n"; d2.getdistance(); d3.adddistance(d1,d2);
cout<<"\nThe Sum Of two distance is : "; d3.putdistance();



Distance 1

Enter the feet : 13

Enter the inches :11

Distance 2

Enter the feet : 11

Enter the inches :11

The Sum Of two distance is :

feet = 25   inch = 10

Implement function overloading

Write a C++ program to implement function overloading in order to compute power(m,n) where i) m is double and n is int ii) m and n are int.



int power(int a,int b);

double power(int i, double d);

int main()


int i1,i2,i3; double d1; clrscr();
cout<<"\nEnter Two Integer Numbers To Calculate Power : "; cin >>i1>>i2;
int p1=power(i1,i2);

cout<<"\nThe Power of "<<i1<<" and "<<i2<<" is : "<<p1; cout<<"\n\nEnter One Integer And One Double To calculate power :"; cin>>i3>>d1;

double p2=power(i3,d1);

cout<<"\nThe Power of "<<i3<<" and "<<d1<<" is : "<<p2; getch();


int power(int a,int b)

double power(int i, double d)


Enter Two Integer Numbers To Calculate Power : 2  4

The Power of 2 and 4 is : 16

Enter One Integer And One Double To calculate power :2 2.5

The Power of 2 and 2.5 is : 5.656854

Sort an array of integer in ascending order

Write a C++ program to sort an array of integer in ascending order using a function called exchange( ) which accepts two integer arguments by reference



void exchange(int (&a)[],int &n);

int main()


int a[10],size; clrscr();

cout<<"Enter the Array size : "; cin>>size;
cout<<"Enter the Array elements :\n"; for(int i=0;i<size;i++)

exchange(a,size); cout<<"After sorting :\n"; for(i=0;i<size;i++) cout<<a[i]<<endl; getch();

return 0;

void exchange(int (&a)[],int &n)

for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(int j=0;j<n;j++) if(a[i]<a[j])

int temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=temp;



Enter the Array size : 10 Enter the Array elements : 15 46 89 62 -5 -78 0 5 45 9

After sorting : -78 -5 0 5 9 15 45 46 62 89

Write a C++ program to find the largest of three numbers using inline function

Write a C++ program to find the largest of three numbers using inline function



inline int largest(int &a,int &b,int &c)

int big=0; if(a>b)

big=c; return big;


int main()

int a,b,c; clrscr();

cout<<"Enter Three Numbers To Find The Largest "<<endl; cout<<"a = ";
cin>>a; cout<<"\nb = "; cin>>b; cout<<"\nc = "; cin>>c;
int large=largest(a,b,c);
cout<<"\n Largest of "<<a<<","<<b<<" and "<<c<<" is "<<large; getch();


Enter Three Numbers To Find The Largest a = 24

b = 45 c = 23

Largest of 24,45 and 23 is 45


Recursion in C++

Create a recursive c++ function to fill up an array and make sum of all digit. you have to create different recursive function for fill up and to make sum.

using namespace std;

void array_recursive(int array[],int n)
     if (n-1>=0)
               cout<<"Enter elements into the array:\n";


int sum_array(int array[],int n)
            if (n= =0)
                       return array[0] ;
            return array[n]+sum_array(array,n-1);

int main( )
         int n;
         cout<<"Enter the size of an array:\n";
         int array[n];
         cout<<"Printing Recursive Data\n";
         for(int i=n; i>0; i--)
         cout<<"the sum is: "<<sum_array(array+1,n-1)<<endl;

Inheritence in c++ to generate a fibonacci series

Generate a Fibonacci series between 0 and 1000. The first two initial value are 0 and 1

using namespace std;
class fibonacci
     void set_digit (int m, int n)
           int f1;
           int f2;
           int f3;

class print : public fibonacci
          void show_print()
                   int maxnum;
                   cout <<"Enter the maximum number of fibonacci series: "<< "\n";
                   cout <<"\nPrinting fibonacci series from 0 to 1000: " << "\n");
                   while (f1+f2 < = 1000)
                        cout <<f3 <<"\n";
int main()
      print p;
      p.set_digit (0, 1);
      p.show_print( );

Constructor in c++ to Sum of all multipliers by given range

write a c++ program which contains a constructor to make sum of all multipliers of 7 or 9 between 1 and 100.

using namespace std;
class divis
            int sum=0;
            void result();

divis :: divis()
    int a=1;
        if ( (a%7==0) || (a%9==0) )
                cout << a <<"\n";
                sum = sum+a;

divis :: ~divis()
    cout <<"memory released" << "\n";

void divis :: result()
    cout << "\n The sum of all divisibles: "<< sum << endl;

int main( )
     divis vs;


Inheritence in C++ to check a Perfect Number (Excercise-19)

Write a Object Oriented C++ program using Inheritance to check whether a given number is perfect or not ?

using namespace std;
class perfect
          void setnum (int digit)
                    number = digit;
               int number;

class chknumber : public perfect
          int sum=0;
          void getperfect ( )
                       for ( int i=1; i<number; i++ )
                                if ( number%i = =0 )
                                         sum += i;
         int chksum( )
                     if  (number = = sum)
                          cout << "Yes!!" << endl<< "the given number is perfect number" << endl << endl;
                          cout << "Not!!"<< endl << "the given number is not a perfect number" << endl;

int main( )
     chknumber per;
     int digit;
     cout << "Enter a number to check perfect or not : ";
     cin >> digit;
     return 0;

C++ Definition : object oriented programming

Write answer for the following questions in comments. Give answer in short. Example as source code is preferable with each answer.

How is OOP important in C++?

What is abstract class?

What is this Pointer ? What is its significance?

What is the difference between while and do-while loop?

Why main() function is important in C++?

What is type casting in C++?

What is OOP?

What is the type conversion in C++

What is the difference between local variable and global variable.

Show Inheritance with at least two derived class

Show Data Abstraction and data Encapsulation

Describe Polymorphism with Example


Excercise-18 : Recursive Function Progamming

Write a program using recursive function in C++ to find factorial of a given integer number.

Excercise-17 : Function Progamming

Write a program using function to Sum of all Odd numbers from an Array. Use function prototype and parameter

OOP Excercise-16 : Array Progamming

Search an element in an Array of 20 integer values.
      (i) Use one Constructor to get input on variable and array.
(ii) Use one Constructor to Search the Array.
(iii) Use a member function to display the result.
(iv) Use Destructor in any suitable position.

OOP Excercise-15 : Banking System

Define a class to represent a bank account which includes following members:
Data members –   i) Name
ii) Account number
iii) Type of account
iv) Balance Amount
Member functions –
a. To assign initial value
b. To deposit an account
c. To withdraw from an account
                                    d. To display name, account number & balance


Excercise-14 : Count the number of character

Write a c++ program to count number of character in a given string

Excercise-13 : Find ODD or EVEN

Write a c++ program to check whether the given number is odd or even

Function : Excercise-12 : Sum of all even elements from an Array

Write a program of function to Sum of all even elements from an Array. The initial value of the array must take from main ( ) as input

Function : Excercise-11 : recursive function to fill an Integer Array of 5 Elements

Write a program of recursive function in C++ to fill an Integer Array of 5 Elements. After fill the array print/show all elements using recursive function. Take array and size of the array from main() body.
You may follow the below page to solve this problem:

OOP : Excercise-10 : Check palindrome. Use Inheritance

Check whether the given number is palindrome or not. Use individual/separate member function to take input, output and display according to logic. Use Inheritance

OOP : Excercise-9 : Program to find area of triangle, circle, and rectangle using function overloading

Write a C++ program to find area of triangle, circle, and rectangle using function overloading